Made Awards

Role: Partial
Client: Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Dates: 2019, 2020


With their annual Made Awards, the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce creates an opportunity to publicly thank the local individuals, businesses, and nonprofits who have had an immense impact on the economic vitality and inclusivity of Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood.

No Standing works closely with the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce to ensure that the Made Awards support the community it celebrates. Our curation of performers, artists, and food vendors builds an example of the values that the OTR Chamber honors in the ceremony.

Photography: Logan Delape


Our Contribution


Awards show
30 presenters
10 award winners
Post awards Reception


Memorial Hall


“This past week was huge for the OTR Chamber and all the businesses that we advocate for. No Standing executed the OTR Made Awards flawlessly.”

— Mike Smith, Board Chair of the OTR Chamber of Commerce


Jazz Age Lawn Party


Celebrate the King